Home Care

Your patient having personalized care

Private Nursing & HOME NURSING Service

If any of your family members is diagnosed and homebound, it is best to have a professional carer to provide personalized care

  • Your patient having personalized care
  • Assistance during mealtimes
  • Being washed and going to the lavatory
  • Being turned into bed to prevent painful sores
  • General Nursing Care
  • Wound dressing
  • Oral medication
  • Taking vital signs
  • Assistance in activities outside of home
  • Elderly assistance
  • Pain management
  • Physiotherapy
  • Skilled observation and assessment
  • Disease specific patient caregiver education
  • Nutritional assessment and education
  • Assistance during mealtimes
  • Bathing assistance and going to the lavatory
  • Turning and re-positioning the patient to prevent pressure ulcers
  • We provide assistance in activities outside your home

With Premium, you are in safe hands.

We work closely with our patient's physician to coordinate all phases of patient care.

From the hospital to the home, your patient will never feel that care has stopped once they leave the hospital. It is utmost priority to seamlessly transfer care with gentleness, skill and proficiency.

Our facility provides the highest quality of care backed by skilled nurses specifically trained in home care; constantly evolving and improving to be able to provide the kind of service our patient deserves.

We encourage you to give us a call and we will arrange everything for you.

Our Senior staff will visit the patient at the hospital or at home. The needs of the patient are evaluated to determine the best care plan. One that is suitable for the patient and for you, the family member.